Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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xfdPatch 1.03
xfdPatch patches the dos.library/[New]LoadSeg() vectors in
order to avoid that the decrunch headers of crunched programs
are executed. This is indeed very useful as some old decrunch
headers will not work correctly with new OS versions or are
written quite badly. xfdPatch requires Kickstart v37+.
With xfdPatch, [New]LoadSeg() will first check the loaded
segment list for decrunch headers known by xfdmaster.library.
If nothing is found, then everything works as usual. But if a
decrunch header has been recognized, the xfdDecrunchSegment()
function will be called and the decrunched segment list is
passed back as the result of [New]LoadSeg().
On the user level, you will in most cases simply notice that
the annoying color/LED flashing of most decrunchers has been
disappeared. This shows you that xfdPatch works correctly.
Please note that xfdPatch currently doesn't support password
or key requests and therefore simply passes on such files to
the calling program.
If there should ever be a reason to remove xfdPatch from
memory, use the REMOVE option to do this. Please note that
xfdPatch cannot be removed if another program has changed the
dos vectors in the meantime.
All segment decrunchers in the xfdmaster.library support
so-called relocation modes which means that you can force the
segments to be relocated to a special type of memory. With
CHIP and FAST, you can force segments to chip or fast memory,
DEFAULT causes xfdPatch to use the memory types given within
the hunks. Note that these attributes are only used while
decrunching, uncrunched files cannot be relocated somewhere
else. These options are useful with old games or intros that
need chipram but don't have the correct attributes set in the
hunk header.
With option EXTERN/NOEXTERN, you can permit/forbid the use of
external slaves for recognition and decrunching of segments.
This will be of very rare use as there currently don't exist
any external segment decrunchers as far as I know.
With option FAILATERROR/NOFAILATERROR, you can tell xfdPatch
how to react on decrunch errors. If fail is enabled, the
patch returns NULL which means the file is not executable.
If fail is disabled, the crunched segment list is passed to
the calling program unmodified. This option is mainly useful
for testing purposes. You can check out which crunched files
are not fully supported by xfdmaster.library. Note that these
unsupported files will mostly be hand-made modifications of
e.g. demo coders.
This section is especially written for programmers of system
monitors or antivirus programs. It tells you how to detect
xfdPatch in memory.
First of all, if xfdPatch is installed, both the NewLoadSeg()
and LoadSeg() vectors of dos.library point to the following
piece of code:
dc.l "XFDP"
JumpIn ...
Second, there exists a port called 'xfdPatch.rendezvous'.
The fields of this port are all private, so just test if the
port exists and nothing else.
xfdPatch 1.03
- Arghh!! Sometimes you test a piece of code 100 times and
after releasing it, you find the bug. Whenever xfdPatch
failed to decrunch a packed file, the machine crashed.
- Added option EXTERN. The EXTERN/NOEXTERN pair now works
similar to the relmode options.
- xfdPatch passes args in D2/D3 and returns result in D0
and D1 for compatibility with old overlay/linker code now.
xfdPatch 1.02
- Added option NOEXTERN.
xfdPatch 1.01
- Added options CHIP, FAST and DEFAULT.
xfdPatch 1.00
- First public release. I used a very simple version of this
program for testing purposes for about one year now.
But why not giving it to the public?
xfdPatch is freely distributable for noncommercial use.
Georg Hörmann
Martinswinkelstraße 16c
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen